All hours conveyancing Blog

May 27, 2024

Bluey’s Sale – How Would This Storyline Unfold in Real-Life?

It’s fascinating how much impact popular culture can have on real estate markets! Bluey’s hilltop house becoming a symbol of desirability...

Jul 19, 2023

Essential Factors to Consider When Buying an Apartment in Melbourne

Buying an apartment in Melbourne is an exciting milestone in anyone’s life, whether you’re a first-time buyer or aseasoned investor. As a leading Melbourne conveyancing firm, we understand the importance ofmaking informed decisions when approaching the purchasing stage, and our key objective is toprovide you with practical guidance that will help you navigate the apartment […]

Dec 6, 2022

The age old debate – to rent, or to buy? That is the question!

@Domain’s recent analysis has highlighted some surprising statistics around our nations mortgageVs rental market, begging the question – is it in fact cheaper to buy than rent? If so, in which areas? Nationally, the study found that it is cheaper to pay off a mortgage than rent in 13.8% of suburbs forhouses and 21% of […]

Oct 5, 2021

Buying Your First Home – Top 4 Things To Consider.

So you’ve saved what you think will be enough to get you a loan to buy your first home. That’s a good start, now you need to talk to a lender who will fill you in on the cost...

Aug 27, 2021

Three Weeks Into Stage 4 Lockdown

Three weeks into Stage 4 lockdown In Melbourne. Well we’re now two and a half weeks into Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne...